El día Monday, November 03, 2014 a las 09:43:14AM -0800, Adrian Chadd escribió:

> Ah, chances are it's being loaded automatically at startup when devd
> loads your USB wifi module.
> Just make sure you've commented out the wlan devices (but not
> options!) and rebuilt your kernel to not have wlan included.

I commented out only the 'device wlan' but this gives errors on linkage
of the kernel, like:

if_ath.o: In function `ath_ioctl_ratestats':
/usr/src/sys/dev/ath/if_ath.c:6381: undefined reference to
if_ath.o: In function `ath_chan_change':
/usr/src/sys/dev/ath/if_ath.c:5306: undefined reference to
if_ath.o: In function `ath_init':
/usr/src/sys/dev/ath/if_ath.c:2455: undefined reference to
if_ath.o: In function `ath_vap_create':




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