<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39536 >

 Stable branch simply uses what version information was set for
previous tag. So currently S2_1 claims to be '2.1.0-beta4'.
 Not big problem for private play, but in the metaserver real beta4
and current S2_1 should show up as different things.

 I think we should set real release number for stable branch only for
the time it takes to tag. That is: 1) Set release version number to
branch 2) Tag 3) Set branch version number to branch.
 Another possibility would be to tag with branch version number, and
then to correct version number in tag (and now svn purists will kill

 By 'branch version number' I mean something like '2.1.0-svn' (or
maybe '2.1.0-beta4+')

 If nobody reacts to this mail, I will at least change S2_1 version
number to '2.1.0-beta4+'.

 - ML

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