<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=15854 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mer. Sep. 05 15:51:25 2007]:
> Hello again,
> On Tue, 4 Sep 2007, Pepeto _ wrote:
> > It doesn't work. I got it yesterday. But now, I know exactly how
> > reproduce the crash.
> >
> > It occurs when the server wake up an unit (which was sentried) 
> > you are selecting a destination for an other unit. This makes 
> > totally unplayable for multi-player games. The client crashes 
every time
> > a enemy unit moves.
> I can approve that the beta client crashes about 5-10 times
> during our weekly lan sessions. Often (but not always) when
> planing gotos. We were already getting used to it ;)

You shouldn't approve any crash. This goto crashes (the third I think) 
are really annoying. I don't think that Freeciv 2.1 could be released 
with so many crashes in one of its main function. More than this 
crash, the goto for air units is especially annoying.

Freeciv is supposed be a mutli-player game. And all the new features 
are against it. It seems that any Freeciv developper never try to play 
Freeciv with many players.

> PS: Is the guest web login for the bug reporting page broken?

Check the top/left corner of the page.

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