<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39675 >

On 9/6/07, nikita bukhvostov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39675 >
> ~~~~~
> # Font in SDL-client
> ~~~~~
> 1. Please write in your Docs/FAQs/Wiki - "How to change used font in
> Freeciv SDL-client.."
> 2. Please use font "DejaVu" (not "Vera") as your delault font for SDL-client..

Excellent idea! DejaVu's official website is at: http://dejavu.sourceforge.net/

I'll run some tests with the different versions of the font. The most
stable one (LCG) supports the extended Latin scripts of certain
eastern European languages such as Czech, as well as Cyrillic and
Greek alphabets. An experimental version also includes Arabic and
Hebrew scripts among others, that we could have use for.

> ~~~~~
> # Save/Load game in SDL-client
> ~~~~~
> Freeciv increasingly evolving and improving..
> But there is one disadvantage (problem) -
> In Gtk2-client you can Save/Load game, _but_ in SDL-client can't to do this..
> Please, programmers who does, participates or helps to do SDL-client -
> need to add function Save/Load game in SDL-client too.
> Thanks,
> Nikita "dragon_djanic" Bukhvostov

SDL Freeciv is certainly feature-incomplete and this lack of a
save/load game dialog is a known issue. I put up a warning in bold
letters on the download page so that everyone who downloads it will
know this beforehand.


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