On 9/11/07, Andreas Røsdal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that I should write some documentation about how to setup and run
> the web client, because currently that takes a lot of effort. Each
> web-browser session gets its own civclient process. The civclient
> process is launched from the Java application server (Resin), and at the
> moment the civclient can only be run from the command line for debugging
> purposes if it is invoked with correct parameters. So you really have to
> setup the application server correctly first, before you can get the whole
> thing running.
> The data directory was left out because I don't have any more storage
> space on the server. I would be really great if a new branch could be
> created in SVN on gna.org for this "experiment". Otherwise it would be
> difficult to share the source code.
> Anyway, it's great that you gave it a try, event though there is still
> quite a long way to go.
>   - Andreas

I suggest you apply for membership of the project at gna.org so you
can add and maintain the branch yourself! (If everyone agrees,

BTW, have you decided on a widget toolkit to use, or are you writing
the gui from scratch?

BTW2, I'd like to write a 'news story' for the website. Something in
particular that you'd like mentioned there?


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