<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40008 >

Well, not cursing languages like **** and **** per se, but...

I'm using Windows XP SP2, and the Windows client with installer name

My environment is set to Japanese, so the game automatically use
Japanese (equivalent to environment variable LANG=ja). Neat.

However, the server sends Japanese message to all players (e.g., turn
X starts)! Which means it will irritate people that can't understand
Japanese. So I have two choices:

1) Use Japanese and irritate other people
2) Use English and I get irritated because I effectively can't choose
the language I want

Every client should be able to report its preferred language to the
server. The server then should send messages with language appropriate
for each client, or if not possible, in English.

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