<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40006 >

Agro Rachmatullah wrote:
> I can recall some other strings for which %d is still intact. Using
> the English language, this problem doesn't occur. Probably because the
> translation string uses fullwidth "%d" instead of its halfwidth
> (ASCII) equivalent?
> PS: This bug also exists in 2.1.1
This would be a translation error, substituting equivalent glyphs for the
two standard characters "%d".  There is no such thing as "halfwidth" and
"fullwidth" -- there are only single byte with multiple byte extensions
(there can be more than 2 bytes).

Sadly, the savants specifying the extensions sometimes have several near
equivalent glyphs that can be mistaken for standard characters.  This has
also been a problem with Internet domain spoofing and phishing, among other
security problems.

This is not a bug in freeciv itself, and it will never recognize glyphs.

It's been a few years since anybody worked on the jp translation....
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