<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40316 >


Well I probably have the time for working on this but my experience
doesn't quite match yours with neither the C programming language nor
the freeciv source code, so I'm not all that confident that it would be
just a matter of "a few weeks"... ;)

I can see books point, all of which quite sensible, and understand that
the actual problem is quite somewhere else. It just isn't quite
reassuring  for me that an incredible complex and obscure code block I
believe could be the source of the problem is commented on top of it
with the words "This was once very ugly...". In this tradition you could
maybe use my current patch as temporarily solution if you want to branch
S2_3 any time soon, as reverting back to the old S2_1 state would
probably mean killing off a lot of good work related to the border
algorithms (which seems to be the key change between versions that
screwed all this fogged stuff up).

Nico the n00b ;)

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