<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40383 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Fri Jul 25 16:33:19 2008]:
> 2008/7/20 Madeline Book:
> > I do now recall that there was a ticket to fix
> > something to do with the auto farmland/irrigation for city
> > tiles, perhaps there was small unintended side-effect in that
> > patch.
>  You mean #40207? It's still missing S2_2/TRUNK version, so it can't
> be cause of this.

Yes, you are right. It was due to a minor mistake when
the fruity terrains were removed, and is easily fixed.

diff --git a/data/default/terrain.ruleset b/data/default/terrain.ruleset
index 526c52c..323bf3a 100644
--- a/data/default/terrain.ruleset
+++ b/data/default/terrain.ruleset
@@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ resources            = "resource_coal", "resource_wine"
 road_trade_incr      = 0
 road_time            = 4
 irrigation_result    = "yes"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
+irrigation_food_incr = 1
 irrigation_time      = 10
 mining_result        = "yes"
 mining_shield_incr   = 3
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