<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40612 >

> [matthias.pfaffer...@mapfa.de - Tue Dec 30 21:34:34 2008]:
> here is an updated version of the patch.

Unfortunately I just made adjustements to you previous
patch today, and was about to post the updated version
when I noticed you already did. :(

Anyway, please at least read over the code in the file
migrate_v3.patch and make sure your patch follows the
same style. Maybe integrate some of the ideas in it,
such as a setting to control the number of turns
between migrations (perhaps better than the hard-coded

In particular:
- No lines longer than 76 characters + 1 newline.
- Multi-line function arguments lined up to column one
  past the initial '(' and similarly for if-statements.
- Use city_tile(pcity) instead of pcity->tile, and similar.
- Use LOG_DEBUG not LOG_NORMAL for debugging messages.
- Use is_capital(pcity) directly instead of find_palace().
- Use const in function arguments if the function
  does not modify the arguments (e.g. the score function).
- Make the default setting values disable migration.

I also wonder if there could arise a situation where
migration happens from city A to city B, and then back
again from city B to city A, because A happened to be
before B in the city list. Perhaps the migration score
should first be calculated for all possible source
and destination cities, then the migrations actually

Anyway I'll check it again in at least a few days and
when I'm sure you are not working on it too. ;)

 common/game.c      |    1 +
 common/game.h      |    4 ++
 common/packets.def |    1 +
 server/cityturn.c  |  135 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 server/cityturn.h  |    3 +
 server/savegame.c  |    4 ++
 server/settings.c  |   13 +++++
 server/srv_main.c  |    7 +++
 8 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/game.c b/common/game.c
index f0d4378..0d5bfab 100644
--- a/common/game.c
+++ b/common/game.c
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ void game_init(void)
   game.info.celebratesize = GAME_DEFAULT_CELEBRATESIZE;
   game.info.savepalace    = GAME_DEFAULT_SAVEPALACE;
   game.info.natural_city_names = GAME_DEFAULT_NATURALCITYNAMES;
+  game.info.migration     = GAME_DEFAULT_MIGRATION;
   game.info.angrycitizen  = GAME_DEFAULT_ANGRYCITIZEN;
   game.info.foodbox       = GAME_DEFAULT_FOODBOX;
   game.info.shieldbox = GAME_DEFAULT_SHIELDBOX;
diff --git a/common/game.h b/common/game.h
index 4e75ece..f593bf2 100644
--- a/common/game.h
+++ b/common/game.h
@@ -250,6 +250,10 @@ bool setting_class_is_changeable(enum sset_class class);
+#define GAME_MIN_MIGRATION           0
+#define GAME_MAX_MIGRATION           100
 #define GAME_MIN_AQUEDUCTLOSS        0
 #define GAME_MAX_AQUEDUCTLOSS        100
diff --git a/common/packets.def b/common/packets.def
index 8455fda..a00a2c4 100644
--- a/common/packets.def
+++ b/common/packets.def
@@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ PACKET_GAME_INFO=15; sc
   UINT8 razechance;
   BOOL savepalace;
   BOOL natural_city_names;
+  UINT8 migration;
   BOOL turnblock;
   BOOL fixedlength;
   BOOL auto_ai_toggle;
diff --git a/server/cityturn.c b/server/cityturn.c
index b860a5e..412eddc 100644
--- a/server/cityturn.c
+++ b/server/cityturn.c
@@ -1867,3 +1867,138 @@ static bool disband_city(struct city *pcity)
   return TRUE;
+  Helper function to find the "migration desirability" of a city. The higher
+  the score the more likely citizens will migrate to it.
+  The score depends on the total trade and shield output of the city, its
+  size, number of ocean squares around it, and the shield cost of all the
+  improvements in the city. The score is doubled for the player's capital
+  city (the one containing the palace small wonder).
+static int city_migration_score(const struct city *pcity)
+  int score = 0;
+  if (!pcity) {
+    return 0;
+  }
+  score = pcity->prod[O_TRADE] + pcity->prod[O_SHIELD];
+  score += 10 * pcity->size;
+  square_iterate(city_tile(pcity), 2, ptile) {
+    if (is_ocean(tile_terrain(ptile))) {
+      score += 2;
+    }
+  } square_iterate_end;
+  city_built_iterate(pcity, pimprove) {
+    score += impr_build_shield_cost(pimprove) * 2;
+  } city_built_iterate_end;
+  if (find_palace(city_owner(pcity)) == pcity) {
+    score *= 2;
+  }
+  return score;
+  Do the migrations between the cities that overlap. Migrants go to the
+  city with higher city_migration_score(), if the growth of the target
+  city is not blocked due to a missing improvement.
+  The setting 'game.info.migrations' controls the number of turns between
+  migrations. If this setting is zero, or it is the first turn (T0),
+  migration does no occur.
+void make_city_migrations(struct player *pplayer)
+  if (!pplayer || game.info.migration <= 0 || game.info.turn <= 0
+      || game.info.turn % game.info.migration != 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* first we search for cities that overlap */
+  city_list_iterate(pplayer->cities, source_city) {
+    struct city *best_city = NULL;
+    int score_1 = city_migration_score(source_city);
+    int best_score = 0;
+    square_iterate(city_tile(source_city), 2, ptile) {
+      struct city *acity = tile_city(ptile);
+      if (acity) {
+        /* here we have two cities that overlap... */
+        int score_2;
+        /* immigrate to cities of the same owner only */
+        if (city_owner(acity) != pplayer) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        score_2 = city_migration_score(acity);
+        /* immigrate to cities that can grow */
+        if (!city_can_grow_to(acity, acity->size + 1)) {
+          score_2 /= 4;
+        }
+        if (score_2 > score_1 && score_2 > best_score) {
+          /* select the best! */
+          best_score = score_2;
+          best_city = acity;
+        }
+      }
+    } square_iterate_end;
+    /* do the migration */
+    if (best_score > 0) {
+      char source_city_name[MAX_LEN_NAME];
+      /* we copy the city name, maybe we disband it! */
+      sz_strlcpy(source_city_name, city_name(source_city));
+      if (city_can_grow_to(best_city, best_city->size + 1)) {
+        /* reduce size of giver */
+        if (source_city->size == 1) {
+          struct city *rcity = NULL;
+          /* find closest city other than pcity */
+          rcity = find_closest_owned_city(pplayer, city_tile(best_city),
+                                          FALSE, source_city);
+          if (rcity) {
+            transfer_city_units(pplayer, pplayer,
+                                source_city->units_supported,
+                                rcity, source_city, -1, TRUE);
+            remove_city(source_city);
+          } else {
+            notify_player(pplayer, city_tile(source_city), E_CITY_TRANSFER,
+                          _("Game: Citizens of %s cannot move to %s "
+                            "because there is no nearby city to support "
+                            "the units from %s."), source_city_name,
+                          city_name(best_city), source_city_name);
+            continue;
+          }
+        } else {
+          city_reduce_size(source_city, 1, pplayer);
+          city_refresh(source_city);
+        }
+        /* raise size of receiver city */
+        city_increase_size(best_city);
+        city_refresh(best_city);
+        /* message to the player */
+        notify_player(pplayer, city_tile(best_city), E_CITY_TRANSFER,
+                      _("Game: Migrants of %s moved to %s "
+                        "in search of a better life."),
+                      source_city_name, city_name(best_city));
+      } else {
+        /* protest! */
+        notify_player(pplayer, city_tile(best_city), E_CITY_TRANSFER,
+                      _("Game: Migrants of %s can't go to %s because "
+                        "it needs an improvement to grow! You are "
+                        "held responsible for its poverty!"),
+                      source_city_name, city_name(best_city));
+      }
+    }
+  } city_list_iterate_end;
diff --git a/server/cityturn.h b/server/cityturn.h
index d4b69e2..9aabe6b 100644
--- a/server/cityturn.h
+++ b/server/cityturn.h
@@ -46,4 +46,7 @@ void remove_obsolete_buildings(struct player *pplayer);
 void advisor_choose_build(struct player *pplayer, struct city *pcity);
 void nullify_prechange_production(struct city *pcity);
+void make_city_migrations(struct player *pplayer);
 #endif  /* FC__CITYTURN_H */
diff --git a/server/savegame.c b/server/savegame.c
index 1fe662b..a571e8d 100644
--- a/server/savegame.c
+++ b/server/savegame.c
@@ -4291,6 +4291,9 @@ static void game_load_internal(struct section_file *file)
     game.info.allowed_city_names =
       secfile_lookup_int_default(file, game.info.allowed_city_names,
+    game.info.migration =
+      secfile_lookup_int_default(file, game.info.migration,
+                                 "game.migration");
     if(civstyle == 1) {
       string = "civ1";
@@ -4943,6 +4946,7 @@ void game_save(struct section_file *file, const char *save_reason)
   secfile_insert_bool(file, game.info.happyborders, "game.happyborders");
   secfile_insert_int(file, game.info.diplomacy, "game.diplomacy");
   secfile_insert_int(file, game.info.allowed_city_names, "game.allowed_city_names");
+  secfile_insert_int(file, game.info.migration, "game.migration");
     /* Now always save these, so the server options reflect the
diff --git a/server/settings.c b/server/settings.c
index 0550776..0812bd3 100644
--- a/server/settings.c
+++ b/server/settings.c
@@ -841,6 +841,19 @@ struct settings_s settings[] = {
               "on the surrounding terrain."),
+  GEN_INT("migration", game.info.migration,
+          N_("Turn count between citizen migrations"),
+          N_("This setting controls the number of turns between the "
+             "automatic transfer of citizens between overlapping cities. "
+             "Citizens will generally move to larger cities with higher "
+             "trade output, production output, improvements and available "
+             "ocean tiles. The palace building also greatly increases the "
+             "destination desirability. Citizens will only migrate to "
+             "cities owned by the same player. If this setting is zero, "
+             "migration will be disabled."), NULL,
   /* Meta options: these don't affect the internal rules of the game, but
    * do affect players.  Also options which only produce extra server
    * "output" and don't affect the actual game.
diff --git a/server/srv_main.c b/server/srv_main.c
index 3ec018c..d33585e 100644
--- a/server/srv_main.c
+++ b/server/srv_main.c
@@ -869,6 +869,13 @@ static void end_turn(void)
   summon_barbarians(); /* wild guess really, no idea where to put it, but
 			  I want to give them chance to move their units */
+  if (game.info.migration > 0) {
+    freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "Season of migrations");
+    players_iterate(pplayer) {
+      make_city_migrations(pplayer);
+    } players_iterate_end;
+  }
   update_environmental_upset(S_POLLUTION, &game.info.heating,
 			     &game.info.globalwarming, &game.info.warminglevel,
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