Am Thursday 22 October 2009 09:06:43 schrieb Goswin von Brederlow:
> "Matthias Pfafferodt" <> writes:
> >> Goswin von Brederlow <> writes:
> >>
> >> I actualy went and fixed the ruleset so that solarfarm still reduces
> >> pollution to 0 even with Hover Dam and Recycling Center. That really
> >> helps. Biggest city now 125.
> >>
> >> I have to say that the Pyramids combined with a Granary are made even
> >> more powerfull by migration now. Initially with Pyramids and Granary
> >> in a size 2 city one can buy a settler every turn and the city just
> >> pops back up to size 2. This allows for a rapid expansion of ones
> >> empire giving one a huge headstart.
> >>
> >> Now, with migration same thing happens. A citizen migrates and the
> >> city just pops back to size 2, thus giving a steady stream of migrants
> >> to grow a city. So even when expansion stops you still get a huge
> >> grows benefit throughout the rest of the game.
> >>
> >> I also believe the migration is done every 5 turns with a 50% change
> >> for the source city (default). That means surrounding a large city by
> >> 10 small cities will (on average) grow the large city by 1 each turn.
> >> Maybe there should be at most one migration to the same city per
> >> 5 turns. I.e. people can only migrate to a city that didn't already
> >> recieve migrants in the last 5 turns. Currently migration is more
> >> powerfull than rapture.
> >
> > The difference between migration and rapture is that rapture _adds_ one
> > citizen to your nation while migration only _moves_ this citizen between
> > the cities of your nation. In your examples you have to be carefull to
> > check/grow the small cities or they will vanish from the map due to
> > migration (and all buildings are lost!). Using both rapture and migration
> > you can really fast grow one city (with wonders for the migration score)
> > ...
> But that is where the Pyramids come in. A size 2 city with Granaries
> gets reduced to 1 by migration. If it has enough food stored it pops
> back to size 2 WITHOUD FOOD LOSS. And if the city has naturally grown
> to size 2 and isn't starving it will always have enough food.
> Maybe migrants should take some food with them, e.g. half the foood
> box on migration. That would prevent the umlimited stream of migrants.

This is something to think about. If I get some free time I could try this but 
at the moment my free time is limited. I'm happy if I have enough time to 
follow the list ...


> > Furthermore, if the check for enough food is disabled citizens will
> > migrate into a city even if there is no food available - meaning they
> > will starve!
> >
> > Matthias
> MfG
>         Goswin
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