
I am interested in working on FreeCiv AI, and would like to know if there is 
any documentation or "begin reading this" doc to help me. It's my first contact 
with the freeciv code, so maybe I should start from something more general than 
the AI itself.

I have already downloaded the source code (altough not compiled it yet) and 
read these wiki articles:

I'm a brazilian civ fanatic (but no relation with civfanatics.com) and actually 
studying in a "Master in Computer Science" course. I have some ideas that may 
improve freecivs' AI global decisions, more specifically what each city will 
build in a turn. But first I would like to understand better how it is done 
today, so I can evaluate if my idea makes sense or not. If the results are good 
I plan to use them on my final work and, of course, make it part of the main 
freeciv code (if it is good to the project too).

Thanks for any help


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