Follow-up Comment #2, bug #16177 (project freeciv):

Thanks for the contribution - you're in the right place (although nation
files are typically posted as patches rather than bugs.)

Just for the record, there is another contributed Acadian nation over at -- it was
contributed anonymously many years ago but never included in mainline Freeciv
since it was too 'thin' on contents. Your version seems to be in a much better
shape in this regard.

Plus there's the matter of the Acadian flag - it is really very similar to
the flag of France. This becomes a potential problem in-game. Imagine for
example if the Acadians civil war and a French player is created -
distinguishing between units owned by the Acadians from those owned by the
French is going to be a headache. How do you feel about using a different
flag design for the Freeciv nation?


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