On Fri, 18 May 2012, Marko Lindqvist wrote:

I've spend some time with freeciv.net again. This time I started by
forking andreas's code for my own more or less experimental
adjustments. My git is in https://github.com/cazfi/freeciv-web

That's great. Let me know if I can help with anything.
Also, if you could find a public server to run the game on...

I just managed to really play the game, albeit with several shortcuts
and hacks compared to the way freeciv.net is supposed (documented) to
be set up.

I didn't find exact freeciv revision freeciv.net code is based on
documented anywhere. After some investigation I have concluded that
it's 16158 as changes of that commit are in, but those of next one are

Yes, this might be correct. I did the fork on 2009-10-18.

I tried to apply all the patches on top of freeciv r16158
(actually I reworked the patches to apply cleanly with standard way,
and wrote script to do the patching - idea is that freeciv.net version
control should not have hard to maintain patched version, but patches
are applied to pristine freeciv tree). Resulting version differs from
patched version currently in git (does the patches directory lack more
patches -

To get the full list of changes to freeciv, you'll probably have to
create a diff between /freeciv from Freeciv.net and Freeciv.org trunk from
2009-10-18 (revision 16158). I might have forgotten to store and create
patches of all the changes I did, particulary the most recent changes.
For example, I backported some changes from Freeciv.org, such as newer
nations and the latest version of the tileset.

Andreas R.

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