Follow-up Comment #11, patch #3301 (project freeciv):

So, on the general topic of which compression formats to distribute in future
(which this is probably the wrong place for, but never mind)...

> We're certainly late by introducing .tar.bz2 now when others 
> are already abandoning it.
We've actually been shipping .tar.bz2 since 1.5.3(!), apparently (see here
<>). Since 2.0.0 we've been
shipping all of .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, and .zip, the latter two presumably
produced by the mandraulic release process
(I had no idea it was so easy to get automake to do it for you -- as you can
probably tell, I don't really understand automake.)

And then there was
>>> there's always .zip as a fallback.
>> We have .zip?
> Yup.
...which resulted in patch #3331, now applied to S2_4/trunk.

So now we have:
* S2_3 building .tar.gz and mandraulic process to distribute .tar.bz2 and
* S2_4+ building all three from "make dist" (so users see nothing different)

So, two remaining questions:
* Back to comment #7: from 2.4, can we drop .tar.gz, and use .zip as the lo-fi
** (Excepting the anti-ZIP arguments we've already heard.)
** My vague recollection of days when gzip/zip were scarce is that systems had
both, or neither (only "compress").
** Sourceforge download stats for 2.3.2:
*** .tar.bz2 (default for Unix browsers): 1300-2000/month (49% Linux, 35%
Windows, 10% unknown)
*** .zip (default for no-one): 320-480/month (86% Windows users, rest mostly
split evenly between Linux/Mac/unknown)
*** .tar.gz (default for no-one): 110-160/month (60% Linux, 26% Windows, 12%
Mac, 3% Unknown)
*** (For comparison, the Windows gtk installer is 7400-15200/month.)
** For me the bulk of the release time is uploading, so the fewer formats the
better. If .tar.gz is genuinely useful then I don't put my personal
convenience ahead of that of users, but if it's a waste of time I'd happily
drop it.
* Any reason not to port the bz2/zip automake changes back to S2_3? They'd
save a manual step in future 2.3.x releases.
** Is automake 1.8 an onerous requirement? It only affects people building
from svn or regenerating configure etc. Do these specific changes affect
anyone who doesn't actually run "make dist"?
*** (As current release manager, I seem to have automake 1.11.1, and am
unlikely to regress.)
** Perhaps we're relying on it already? I notice a reference to
"WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.8" at the top of (labelled as a Gentoo kludge).


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