Follow-up Comment #12, patch #3301 (project freeciv):

> Any reason not to port the bz2/zip automake changes back to
> S2_3? They'd save a manual step in future 2.3.x releases.

How many more releases you expect from S2_3? Bugfixes flow in quite slowly
already. Would we take risks and do work in porting & testing .tar.bz2 and
.zip creation on S2_3 to save work in just one or two releases?

> Is automake 1.8 an onerous requirement? It only affects people
> building from svn or regenerating configure etc. Do these
> specific changes affect anyone who doesn't actually run "make
> dist"?

 It doesn't matter if user ever actually runs "make dist", it's the generating
support for it in Makefiles that set the automake requirement. So anyone
running would need at least automake 1.8, older ones would error
out for unknown init parameter. Strictly speaking our policy is not to bump
minimum requirements within release branch after first release. Anyone who has
built earlier version from that branch should be able to benefit from
bugfixes, most importantly potential security related ones. At the same time I
find it rather unlikely that anybody has ever built freeciv S2_3 with automake
older than 1.8, which itself is ancient already. 

> Perhaps we're relying on it already?

 Maybe, it's quite possible that older versions (or even 1.8) doesn't work.
Testing that has never been high enough priority in my TODO to get actually
done. Nobody has reported build failures...

> I notice a reference to
> "WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.8" at the top of (labelled as a
> Gentoo kludge).

 History of that one should be investigated. It can even be breaking things
more than fixing nowadays... In any case it's very old thing, but I'm not sure
what automake version it was meant to protect against (what was the default
gentoo automake that didn't produce correct results)? Was it upgrade from
default automake; "use 1.8 instead of 1.6", or downgrade; "use 1.8 instead of
I *do* know that the kludge predates changes that is able to check
against multiple tool versions instead of just default one.


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