Follow-up Comment #11, bug #24249 (project freeciv):

Ok, for a very short tine, a single run of ps aux, I see 

chris    28778  0.0  0.1  44012  4024 pts/1    R+   21:58   0:00
freeciv-server -p 5557 --bind localhost -q 1 -e --saves ~/.freeciv/saves
--scenarios ~/.freeciv/scenarios -A none --debug 3 --log log1

chris    27939  9.0  1.9 180300 41120 pts/1    Sl+  21:58   0:01 freeciv-gtk3
--debug 4 --log log1
chris    28778  0.0  0.0      0     0 pts/1    Z+   21:58   0:00
[freeciv-server] <defunct>

and that reveals why the debug message you wanted is not there...


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