On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 07:25:21 AM Michael Vehrs wrote:
> On 12.11.2012 09:15, Michael T. Pope wrote:
> >[Definite release blockers]
> >      BR#3518302 REF stands around doing nothing

Now fixed with svn.10286.  There may be more path finding fallout alas.

> >[Would be nice to fix]
> >        Assorted map editor fail
> I want to look at the map editor as soon as I have finished with the
> forest and river problem. In fact, I already fixed or mitigated one or
> two map editor related hangs. Given a month or so, I think I could fix
> most or all of these bugs.

That would be great.  The map editor bug category has been rising steadily.

> >      BR#3528471 horse production error
> >      
> >        Apparently horses eat fish after all
> Grumble. We put a lot of work into getting them not to eat fish. I would
> like to see some really conclusive evidence before changing that again.

Ack that grumble  The evidence is alas pretty good.  The `Two Bug Proposals' 
thread back in September veered off into this question, and David Stephensen 
was good enough to break out his copy of Col1 and posted screenshots.  I still 
have them handy and will attach them to the bug report shortly.

> >      BR#3486695 Custom Difficulty not working if choosing more than 3
> >      expert
> >      
> >        Should we make the number of recruitable slots a game option?
> I think recruitable slots should go away. We need something like a build
> queue for Europe. The mod editor should be able to specify the first
> hundred units to appear in Europe if she wants to.

Fair enough.  The number of slots then roughly translates to a window at the 
top of the queue.

> >      BR#3559996 arsenal gives wrong number of muskets
> >      
> >        Thanks to Michael for getting to this.  Are you happy with the
> >        fallout from BR#3430371 and the test (testToolsMusketProduction)
> >        that is now failing?  We also have BR#2871069, or is this now moot?
> I really don't know about this. However, I think the two sensible
> solutions are to make the arsenal a typical factory-level building, or
> to remove the arsenal altogether. I prefer the first option.

That would be less obviously incompatible.  I begin to suspect that if Col1 
did have non-factory-like-arsenals, it was just a bug.

> >      BR#3520017 Prod. bonus vs. level 2 buildings
> >      
> >        Looks like Michael has fixed this (colopedia was updated, and we
> >        have government options).  Did you have anything further you
> >        wanted to do?
> Well yes. I think my comment "The production bonus should be upgraded to
> a proper modifier. And the rebel percentage limits should also be made
> configurable." still applies. Basically, we should have something like
> <modifier id="production.bonus" type="additive" value="1">
> <scope "rebel% >= 50">
> </modifier>

OK, I misunderstood which modifier was being discussed.  The rebel percentages 
are now configurable (model.difficulty.government).

> >      BR#3582641 colonist pop-up menu on 1024*600
> >      BR#3489742 can't use map settings
> >      
> >        I suspect these are duplicates of the Windows Java menu popup
> >        problems.
> I guess so. Do we need scrollable menus for Windows and very small screens?

I remain surprised anyone would play FreeCol on a 600 high screen, so my 
opinion is pretty irrelevant there.

> So, our ambitious plan to release FreeCol 1.0 before the end of the
> world on 21 December seems to have come to nothing.

Well, there is still the chance that one of us will be stricken by a 
debilitating condition that prevents us going to work, but not sufficiently bad 
to stop us working full time on FreeCol.  However that release/date is looking 
unlikely.  We could of course just declare victory and release 1.0, but I fear 
that would be a bit dishonest given the state of the Pending Features tracker
and the number of bugs that are blocked in a WWC1D? state.  I really want to 
get the AI stance/interactions into better shape (demanding tribute, 
negotiating, offering alliances with conditions, and of course, fixing 
Franklin), and make it possible for AIs to declare independence (actually 
winning is another level:-).  However, just getting the AI missions to mostly 
behave has taken way too long.

> How about releasing 0.10.6 on that day instead?

Sounds good.  Some time to stabilize the AI is needed.  It is measurably 
improved, but every time I stare hard at it I see something that needs fixing.

Mike Pope

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