On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 11:58:45 AM Russell Steinthal wrote:
> So as mentioned on the list a week or two ago, I do in fact have a set of
> working Col1 disks and now that I have a $20 USB 3.5" floppy drive, I have
> Col1 working under DosBox emulation.

Already with effect.  Now that we have confirmation of the correct behaviour, I 
coded up a fix for BR#1513 at lunch time today.  Should be in trunk Real Soon 

> Several of them (e.g. #1554 and #1903) request quantitative information on
> the AI behavior of the Col1 engine (in those cases, scouting probabilities
> and taxation, respectively).  I'll try to keep notes in my next test game,
> but a threshold question is which Col1 difficulty level we're trying to
> emulate?

Unfortunately:  all of them.  OTOH, given we often have either no information 
or disputed information, we are happy to get anything reasonably clear that 
can guide the coding direction.

Mike Pope

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