On Mon, 15 Apr 2013 02:46:16 PM Kyle Richesin wrote:
> We were also looking at bugs #1307 ,

Fixing this bug will probably require writing a replacement component for 

> #1523,

This should be fairly easy.  The only reason it has not been fixed already is 
that until quite recently the Col1 behaviour was unclear.

> #1738.

This is annoying and would be good to have fixed.

> Do these bugs still need
> to be addressed or are have they also been or potentially been addressed?

Any bugs with some sort of `open' status need work.  Usually if a developer is 
working on a particular bug it will shown as assigned to them.  What the bug 
tracker does not capture is when a broad area of FreeCol that potentially 
touches several bugs is being worked on (e.g. the current production changes).  
To be aware of these you need to be reading this list.

Mike Pope

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