Glad to help.
And don't worry about the credit, I don't care about it. :)


2014-04-15 11:27 GMT+02:00 Michael T. Pope <>:
> On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 22:42:58 +0200
> Petr Fišer <> wrote:
> > Specification looks good to me but I dont understand this:
> >
> > <goods-type id="model.goods.horses" is-farmed="false" breeding-number="2"
> > made-from="">
> >    <market initial-amount="1000" initial-price="1" price-difference="2" />
> > </goods-type>
> >
> > Why is there made-from="" when in the other spec. file is:
> >
> > <production>
> >    <input goods-type="model.goods.grain" value="1"/>
> >    <output goods-type="model.goods.horses" value="1"/>
> > </production>
> Good catch.  That is clearly wrong, the horses GoodsType needs to be
> made-from food in classic and grain in the freecol rules.  That is easy
> enough to fix.  However the obvious fix breaks some tests, which look easy
> to fix but actually reveal a nasty lurking bug.
> There are three fields in GoodsType that are derived from the overall
> specification (buildingMaterial, makes, militaryGoods) which are
> currently set on the fly as a specification is read.  This works if we
> just read a simple single specification, but not if we do something
> more elaborate like read a derived specification (e.g. the freecol
> rules:-S) or mods that mess with the goods types.  So ATM when we read
> the food GoodsType from the classic rules spec, the buildingMaterial
> flag is set true, but then when we read the freecol rules spec, the
> buildingMaterial flag is set true for grain but not cleared for food.
> What needs to happen is for the derived fields to be set only when the
> specification has been fully read.  Fortunately we have a well defined
> place where we already do a bunch of post-read cleanup in
> Specification.clean.  So this is now done in git.f742245, which has the
> pleasant benefit that it allows dropping some GoodsType mutators.
> That fix means that isBuildingMaterial, isRawMaterial, getOutputType,
> isRawBuildingMaterial were previously not always correct.
> With that fix in place, the obvious change to the freecol spec plus
> the required test fixes work as expected.  These have been committed
> in git.9a88c77, and after that the freecol rules work.
> To completely fix it, we need your next patch which indeed gets to the
> real cause of the bug.  I have changed it slightly by putting the test
> into goodsToMake which ISTM is clearer.  Alas I fumbled the commit
> message and failed to credit you (git.61ee4ea) for which I apologize.
> Thanks for chasing that one down.
> Cheers,
> Mike Pope

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