On Thu, 28 May 2015 23:53:54 +0200
Fenyo <feny...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have several objections to this patch as it stands.
> > First, I would like to see some reasoning for why you would want to
> > suppress colonist production at all. Very odd idea IMHO. I think it
> > would have been better to discuss this on the developer list.
> Ok, background:
> There is a colony, where i do not want to make new colonists,
> because i need the food it produces.
> (And i have a lot of colonies where i do not want the new colonists,
> i want them to appear somewhere else, not in that colony)
> You can say for this that i should collect the food from such colonies
> with a wagon train or a ship, before the food reaches 200.
> But - unfortunatelly - i can not guarantee everytime that my wagon train
> or ship will arrive before the food hits 200.
> And when it does, it will convert the food to a new colonist. :(
> I have experienced this a lot in my games.
> And this population control is the solution for such problems.

OK... that sort of makes sense.  I am quietly mumbling "just build more
wagons", but I that is close enough to reasonable to not immediately
dismiss.  I am aware of the problem of food accumulating in the wrong
places, but usually that is late in the game when the colony in question
can reasonably just give the new colonist some horses and have it head off
to a better place promptly.

So what then is your use-case for controlling the breedable goods
production?  I am guessing you want to not give the horses any food?
Does it have to be a ratio, or is a boolean sufficient?  And if you
really want a ratio, is this worth doing for other goods types?

> > The game option for the breeding functionality makes more sense,
> > and I think it is a good idea. However this whole area is very
> > sensitive. Changing the code here needs to be done with caution, so
> I think you have no reason to fear.
> I have already tested it very thoroughly. And it works perfect.

That is so easy to say.

> > I am not immediately going to go all the way to allowing individual
> > colony settings, but am willing to allow a global breeding control
> > so we can check if this breaks anything. Once we are more confident
> > it is working, I will be happy to consider the individual colony settings.
> It won't break anything.
> And i promise you that if we still find out it does, i will fix that very 
> soon!
> But if you insist for a global value only at first,

OK, now I understand *why* you want to do this, I can see that asking to
go first to a global setting is not a good way to test it properly.
Scratch that idea.

> > Finally, the patch is way too complex, as it bundles several
> > separable pieces of functionality.
> Yeah, i thought that myself too. But since the new colonist suppression
> is reproduction related just like the breeding, they have to be
> on the same panel: Reproduction.

OK, this is where I am still not convinced.  There is a high level
similarity perhaps, but the internal mechanism is very different.  I would
much prefer the breeding part to be attached to the colony building
for the goods type, and the population part to trigger a panel very
similar to the current Build Queue --- to stop colonist production you
would just clear the Population Queue.  That would enable other interesting
enhancements such as colonies that can produce particular colonist types.
Not to mention separating the functionality as I would still strongly

Mike Pope

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