On 2015-08-26 01:19, Michael T. Pope wrote:
> 1.8 for FreeCol-next-release it
> is, and belated apologies to William Astle for the jogg/jorbis problem.

For what it's worth, it's the sort of thing you should expect if you use 
a development branch of a project. And the solution was easy enough: 
install Java 1.8.

I agree that letting what Debian packages determine development policy 
is a bad idea so regardless of any trouble I had, I agree that requiring 
1.8 is the right call.

Quite a lot of what Debian packages is rather old. It gets worse when 
you run into long term support releases of Debian derivatives.  It's not 
just limited to Java. I've had issues with a lot of packages over time 
simply due to the ancient version Debian or one of its derivatives 
decided to package. The allergy to upgrading anything other than a minor 
patch level during a release cycle (regardless of upstream support) for 
a lot of distributions doesn't help either.

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