Winter:> thank you, Blake, for helping.
> As written on GitHub, I used most of your changes for the website,
> with a few tweaks:

Thanks Winter! I'm glad my efforts weren't a waste haha! I see you found a nice 
icon for the nightly release download too. Looks good! People will now being 
going to the right places to download and contribute. Just need to sort out the 
sourceforge info areas, however I'm guessing you're not an admin there meaning 
I need help from one of the other guys.

> Double-checking and a few more suggestions are welcome. ;)
Well I think I said this before but a videos section on your website would be 
really good. Whether its a separate section on the main menu or you rename 
screenshots to "Media" and have a new videos page as a subsection to it I don't 
know. I can gather all the videos out there and embed them, I just need a 
working page to put them into. Not game to try creating it myself as I have no 
idea how to mass implement a menu change to every page of a website on github 
lol. I don't normally have to worry about stuff like that as my website is 
still in the dark ages and uses frames so I only have to update one place when 
I make a main menu change lol.
> What I still want to do is add the forgotten news item
> and some new news-item announcing the website update.
> I kept these for last, cause of the many internal links,
> which as you noticed need updating when adding more news.

Would you believe that all these years I've been visiting the sourceforge page 
I hadn't noticed it had its own news section lol. However yes, fixing up the 
news situation on the main website is important. Copying David's 
2017 post over there would be a good start, then maybe my draft pre-12.0 post 
after it or some things you have in mind. BTW I forgot to mention this before 
but when you're updating the website news with the new stuff you're planning 
you might also want to do something about that download link on the current 
latest news post as it says 11.5 when its actually meant to be 11.6. Typo has 
sat that for over 4 years haha. Not much point in me doing it if you're about 
to update that whole area but personally I'd remove it or make it generic 
without a version number. Like I've said before there's just too many 
references to 11.6 all over the site which just adds so much extra work when 
you're updating the place. You guys must look at it and think "uuurrrggghhh" 
every time there's a release version update lol.

> Fyi., text-only is still preferred for the mailing list, I think.
Yup I know, that's why I sent url's to the images in my message instead of 
embedding them. Surely urls are fine though? as I see you're using them and its 
the only way to get people to places they need to see lol.

Mike:> ATM there is a dodgy script (bin/ but I am not sure what
> the permission required is.  I know it works for me.
> bin/ does not handle a multiple commit backlog very well,
> but I think I have worked around it, so the website should be updated.
Thanks Mike, definitely worked as I can see my modified download page on the 
live site. :)

> You might be surprised how low the bar is there.  Currently anyone with
> time is better qualified than I.
Thanks, well since I can't help with the game dev I at least want to help with 
other stuff. :) Unfortunately I can't fix some of the sourceforge visitor info 
without you or one of the other admins help though sorry.

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