On Tue, 14 Jan 2020 09:15:42 +0100
win...@genial.ms wrote:
> As far as the discussion was gone, which we had about doing
> 0.12.0 soon, is there any annoying+blocking bugs left?

I am working through the github issues.  I want to at least look at them
before we have an semi-official-tentative-alpha release.

> - Is the fix to the returning from Europe bug sufficient
> or is it necessary to do something for the very few cases
> where in a save the ship was already in Europe?

I have not properly understood that one yet.

> - I'd like to see https://github.com/FreeCol/freecol/issues/15
> fixed, cause it is irritating to play like that

You are in luck, I got to that one today: git.e7a40b4.  It was indeed very
annoying, and alas a result of me having to stop work mid-project.

Mike Pope

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