On Sun, 19 Jul 2020 13:20:06 +0000 (UTC)
D Blakeley via Freecol-developers
<freecol-developers@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> In regards to the SF forum activity could Mike, Winter or anyone else who has 
> good technical knowledge of the game do a quick pass on the recent threads?

I have read everything.  I always do.  But I prioritize ruthlessly.
Generally, unless I have a bit of time or a current interest in an area, I
do not chase down random complaints on forums. They are just too hard to
track, and so often are way short of reproducible.  Right now I am deep
into untangling the GUI and finally working out where the graphics
slowdown[1] is (~50 commits last week, that was a good one:-).

That said, there is a 100% infallible way to get my prompt attention.  All
it takes is a good bug report.  OTOH, guess how much fun it is to be the
guy on the forum who is always saying "make a bug report".  Been there,
still there from time to time, not thrilled with that.

Also, what is said on the forums does influence what I look at next.
Multiplayer is on the list to look at, but it is a tricky area that
requires me to revive a bunch of sleeping neurons, and hard to test. I
know it works for me on my LAN, and all I have heard to the contrary has
not got above "it does not work".

Now if only we had an enthusiastic contributor who was clearly a lot more
into social media and could nudge some of the unfocused venting into
detailed bug reports.  Heh, notice a pattern with what I say whenever
asked to do something?:-)

Mike Pope

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