Hi Mike,
Thanks for getting back to me on these things, sorry for the delay, been super 
busy myself too.
3. Thanks for your feedback on which maps to include and not include. Sadly no 
one else came forward so I've pushed ahead and finalised the list (removing 
duplicates, European maps & inappropriate ones like GTA). I had to come up with 
another new size classification system due to all the crazy sizes in play! But 
here's my forum post with all the details: 
I've submitted the pull request and its ready for when you're next putting some 
time into the project here: https://github.com/FreeCol/freecol/pull/65
I've made a number posts about the maps across forums and social media to 
generate some interest and new visitors too!

4. "if I see messages here from at least two regulars saying that <url> is 
ready to go as a replacement for {SF front page, screenshot, whatever} I will 
make time to work out what has to be done.  Time is the issue, I never used to 
do anything with SF admin, and it always takes me a while to work out what does 
Oh no, I didn't mean anything like that!! I've seen fancy custom SourceForge 
front pages and they're cool but who has time to make one of those? No one lol! 
What I'm talking about is simply pushing some buttons in the admin screen and 
pasting some text into some boxes that's fast and dead easy, no programming 
required (otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it haha), real basic stuff. 
Unfortunately I doubt anyone else will come forward and say "yeah the front 
page needs updating" as things are pretty quiet these days and I don't think 
anyone else cares as the front page changes aren't for existing members, 
they're for attracting new members! Oh well either way I've written up some 
guides in the forum on how to do what I'm talking about so if you ever do have 
a few spare mins for it then they'll be there ready and waiting to help make it 
as quick and painless as possible lol.
Guide 1: Updating the Features 

Guide 2: Updating the screenshots section: (I've selected 6 nice shots and 
attached them to the post)

5. I'll look at making some of those freecol.org website updates in the coming 
months adding screenshot updates there and some videos.

6. "No idea who originally created it.  If it needs an "official" owner, you 
are it Blake."Hahahaha no worries, I thought you might say that. Yup I'll take 
care of the modDB page. :) Wish I had admin access to it though. It looks like 
a number of people had control over it however I can't see who they are as 
their 'company' dev group page was removed. Which possibly means even they have 
lost control of it if they logged in. I dunno... I might try messaging some 
site admins to see if I can take control over it, but god knows how much red 
tape there is to prevent hijacking.
7. Social media. All good mate, most game devs I speak to don't go near fb so 
I'm not surprised haha. I was just keeping you up to date on my efforts to grow 
these groups into Col communities that we can promote your project to. Even 
since my last email about them the groups have grown quite a bit more so things 
are going really well! :)https://www.facebook.com/groups/ColonizationGame/ was 
50 when I last msg'd you, it's now 75 meaning its increased by a full half 
lol!https://www.reddit.com/r/ColonizationGame/ was 24 members in last msg, now 
its 50 meaning its more than doubled!https://discord.gg/CHcH75s has gone from 
11 to 18 but that's still in very early days haha..
Even without me promoting several others have posted about their Freecol games 
in them which is a great sign for the future. Anyway I'll keep at it with them. 
Whenever something cool happens I post it in the groups and then share that 
group post with various retro gaming groups which A advertises FreeCol and B 
advertises the groups to capture people for future project announcements.


    On Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 08:08:58 pm ACST, Michael T. Pope 
<mp...@computer.org> wrote:  
 OK, bit more time to go through the mail.

> 2. As for Rafael's changes and storing Author and description in the map 
> file...

The issue here is that we can not store the description in the map
iteself because it needs to be translated.  The author is fine.
Currently we effectively do neither.  Rafaels patch does both.  If we
can get the author into the map, a bunch of the stuff you have been
wrangling in the strings file can go from:

map.Africa=Large Africa by J.Bloggs


map.Africa=Large Africa by %author%

which does not help your work much now, but is more maintainable.
There would have to be code support of course to pull in the %author%,
but that is straightforward.

I have a note on the todo list to think more about the whole
translation setup, but that is post-release.  We already have extra
standalone FreeColMessages.properties files in the mods, which are
currently not getting translated AFAICT.  If we can fix that, we can
probably handle having similar files in the .fsm map bundles.  That
would probably be a better design than having the above map.<foo>
entries in the master strings file.  The major concern with any change
to how we do translations is to not mess with the volunteer
translators.  Keeping things easy for them is mandatory.

> 4. Regarding Sourceforge improvements...

Yeah, I suspect front page hackery may be locked to the main project
admins, which means I probably have to do it.  The offer is: if I see
messages here from at least two regulars saying that <url> is ready to
go as a replacement for {SF front page, screenshot, whatever} I will
make time to work out what has to be done.  Time is the issue, I never
used to do anything with SF admin, and it always takes me a while to
work out what does what.

> 6. As discussed in past emails I overhauled your old FreeCol ModDB page

...another thing I had never sighted.  No idea who originally created
it.  If it needs an "official" owner, you are it Blake.

> 7. [Social]

Please do not interpret my absence from the facebook bit as disapproval.
I just do not use it, deliberately.  Getting time to work on FreeCol
is hard enough lately, I do not need more time sinks.  Perhaps I will
look at the discord channel... eventually.  Nevertheless, thanks for
pushing this stuff forward.

Mike Pope  
Freecol-developers mailing list

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