On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:42:49 +0100 (CET)
Stefan Fellner <stefan.fell...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> If you have more col1 questions / uncertainity - I am happy to share 
> screenshots, or try it on the spot.

There are a bunch of open questions on the wiki I mentioned earlier.  That
would be a great mission for you to take on: Kill the WWC1D Wiki (by
answering and fixing all the questions:-)

> Back to La Salle:
> The behaviour after capture could be discussed - I think that's only because 
> col1 would apply the bonus the moment you raise pop from 2 to 3, and the 
> moment La Salle joins congress.
> So if you capture the colony with pop >= 3, you won't get the stockade until 
> you add another pop when pop >= 3 (double checked in the game).
> So it's maybe a bit of an exploit by me, because i often like to just disband 
> foreign colonies,
> but it's also reasonable to be able to do it (scorched earth ;)).

Agreed.  No one likes the stockade restriction.  It is totally reasonable
to be able to abandon a colony.  I understand the gameplay restriction in
Col1, and we support it, but if the colonists decide to torch the stockade
and leave town who is stopping them?:-)

There is another interesting case.  We have experimental support for
natural disasters.  One of these is the destruction of a building.  I
think a native attack can do this too.  So... if they knock out the
stockade, does it get rebuilt instantly?  Or in classic rules, should a
player with an unwanted colony try to annoy the natives and leave it
undefended in the hope that they burn the stockade, allowing the colony to
be abandoned?

> That you get La Salle bonus for new colonies after La Salle joined, that's 
> IMHO an requirement, I would consider it a bug (as of your policy diffs to 
> col1 for classic ruleset -> bug).

Yep.  Screenshots are convincing.  Its a bug.

> On the place to put it, I think it's fine to do it at turn-end, if that's too 
> much traffic.

Lets put it there for now and see how it behaves.  I think it makes the
most sense with the destroyed building case above.

Mike Pope

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