There's been some recent work on Tinc that I'm really excited about.
Also, I just re-discovered an email featuring old work on Tinc that I
completely forgot about.  If you're interested in Tinc, check out
tinc_rollout (  I'm pretty sure this is what the FBX
should use to connect peers.  The only obviously missing piece is
opening firewall ports per subnet.  FreedomBuddy can be used to exchange
Tinc configuration details, and that's PGP-key specific, so we've pretty
much handled the all-important exchange of authentication details.

Poke at it, let me know what you think.


--- Begin Message ---
I made some changes, including fixing the horrifying bug with the shell
script.  I'm hoping it works better now.  Thanks, Nick, for the
conversation that got me to push these changes.

Also, Nick, I've added some new methods to the TincRollout class

    from tinc_rollout import TincRollout

    peer_name TR.get_host_name()
    hostfile =  TR.get_host_file()

    And then on the other end do:

    TR.add_peer(o, peer_name, hostfile):

So to add this stuff to FreedomBuddy, you will want to just pull my
script and stick it in your tree.  That way if grows
other ways to help manage tinc, freedombox will benefit.  Use the above
functions to add peers.  We can talk about keygen tomorrow.  There's
code in TincRollout to do it, but it needs cleaning.

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