On 24/04/14 12:23, Lockwood Michael wrote:
I'm really interested in the move towards Decentralization of Personal Data and Freedombox as a research area, more specifically looking at the interface and how its developed for mass participation.

I'm currently in the first stages of my PhD and could do with a little help. Could anyone point me towards, Papers, People, Prototypes or any information related to this area?

I'm not sure you'll find what you're looking for here.
I too once thought one of the main features -- nay, *the* main feature of FB is that it offered decentralization. However, when I argued this (at the time, I think stated as one of the goals, but since removed) back in 2010, Jonas Smedegaard et al were disagreeing. Since then (and because of that), I've lost track of the project, unsure what the project even is about, except a Debian-based personal server with a catchy name.
I thought it would be much more than that.
It seems federalization is as far as this project goes, except perhaps for considerations of distributed naming/addressability, so in case the people who advocated or worked on that are still here, you may want to ask them.
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