> From: m.g.lockw...@salford.ac.uk
> Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 10:04:25 +0000
> Thanks for the responses.
> I am of course as confused as ever.

I don't blame you.

> My poorly informed understanding was that Debian for Freedombox would aim to 
> encapsulate the 
> likes of TOR, Diaspora, Some sort of Encrypted Currently Exchange and so on, 
> and aim to build a 
> Decentralised Alternative. If not this could you give me a little more info ?

FBx is dead in the water if it's not part of a decentralised alternative. I see 
FBx as a cyber guardian standing vigilant at our gateway to the internet and 
protecting all devices and users behind against bad actors and unwanted data 
leaking, and providing decentralised services with a slick UI. 

> Is anybody aware of any papers that might help me in terms of Freedombox and 
> Decentralisation
> in general?

The only paper I've read is the Bitcoin White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto, a work 
of genius. Also check out BitMessage, Ethereum, DarkMarket (now forked to be 
OpenBazaar). The buzz of decentralisation is around Blockchain technologies. 
Redecentralize is a good source for video interviews of decentralised projects. 

> The whole Decentralisation of Personal Data Movement 'If indeed there is 
> one?' and the
> Necessary Interface for Mass Participation is something that excites me.
> Is there anyone on this list with a similar interest I can discuss further 
> with ???

I think it's more the 'decentralise everything' movement (or going to be, if 
you see here http://youtu.be/lFgnrd3G81U )

Feel free to message me.

Matt Dodson

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