Suggestion 4 : put Dynamic DNS app in on the Setup page rather than apps. Grouping under Domain name what is related to it.


Le ven. 11 mars 2016 à 10:47, phylophyl <> a écrit :
Making a FreedomBox public domain can be a lot of pain for people discovering network technics. At first to figure out what has to be done, then to do it. Here are some suggestions as a feedback.

Philippe "phylophyl"

Suggestion 1: a few extra text for the manual or to display when setting up a freedombox domain name.

Suggestion 2: an app or option to configure automatically the router (static internal ip, ports) ? Make GnuDIP registration directly from FreedomBox ?

Suggestion 3: focus also on router devices images and apps to avoid painfull steps ?

SOME EXTRA TEXTS (first draft)

Add text after Domain Name field ?

"Before entering a domain name, verify if your ISP provides a static or a dynamic internal adress for your router. Enter directly a standard domain name or your IP public address if it is static. In case of dynamic DNS, ask your ISP to provide a static public IP. Another solution is the DIY way: configure your router, create a static domain name at a dynamic DNS provider and activate FreedomBox Dynamic DNS application. Feel free to use #freedombox IRC cana and the mailing listl for 24/24 help. If you are not familiar with internet network, please browse and read about domain names, local area networks, Domain Name System (DNS) and dynamic DNS."

add an extra section called "How To" after About/SetUp/Status ?

How to configure your router in case of dynamic DNS :
01 - Find out the mac address and current local IP of your device running FreedomBox.
02 - Open your router admistration web interface.
03 - Set Up an exception for your device as a static local IP.
04 - Create a port forwarding for 80 (http server) and 443 (https secure server) ports to your FreedomBox IP (made static). 04 - Leave the router interface, your public IP should now provide a direct access to your FreedomBox (use to find out your public IP).

How to create a DNS name with GnuDIP
01 - Access to GnuIP login page (answer Yes to all pop ups)
02 - Click on "Self Register"
03 - Fill the registration form (Username and domain will form the public IP address [username.domain]) 04 - Take note of the username/hostname and password that will be used on the FreedomBox app. 05 - Save and return to the GnuDIP login page to verify your username, domain and password (enter the datas, click login). 06 - Login output should display your new domain name along with your current public IP address (this is a unique address provided by your router for all your local devices). 07 - Leave the GnuDIP interface and open the Dynamic DNS Client app page in your FreedomBox.
08 - Click on "Set Up" in the top menu.
09 - Activate Dynamic DNS
10 - Choose GnuDIP service.
11 - Add server address (
13 - Add your fresh domain name (username.domain, ie [username] 14 - Add your fresh username (the one used in your new IP address) and password
15 - Add your GnuDIP password
16 - Fill the option with (try this url in your browser, you will figure out immediatly)
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