On 13 March 2016 at 09:32, Daniel Steglich <stegl...@datasystems24.de>

> Hash: SHA256
> Maybe also some kind of automated account creation process would be nice
> .
> If the user doesn't have a Dynamic DNS account yet, he may be asked on
> the plinth UI if he wants
> to create one.
> Maybe the user could fill the Dynamic DNS form and select a check-box
> like: "create account on server".
> Afterwards the Dynamic DNS service could use some REST API to create a
> account on the server and display error messages (if the
> domain or the user name is not available anymore).
> But FreedomBox features would depend on some central infrastructure in
> that case.

Oh, yes please!  This would be really nice as an option.

> cheers,
> Daniel
> On 11.03.2016 10:47, phylophyl wrote:
> > Making a FreedomBox public domain can be a lot of pain for people
> > discovering network technics. At first to figure out what has to
> > be done, then to do it. Here are some suggestions as a feedback.
> >
> > Philippe "phylophyl"
> >
> > Suggestion 1: a few extra text for the manual or to display when
> > setting up a freedombox domain name.
> >
> > Suggestion 2: an app or option to configure automatically the
> > router (static internal ip, ports) ? Make GnuDIP registration
> > directly from FreedomBox ?
> >
> > Suggestion 3: focus also on router devices images and apps to
> > avoid painfull steps ?
> >
> > SOME EXTRA TEXTS (first draft)
> >
> > /plinth/sys/config/ Add text after Domain Name field ?
> >
> > "Before entering a domain name, verify if your ISP provides a
> > static or a dynamic internal adress for your router. Enter directly
> > a standard domain name or your IP public address if it is static.
> > In case of dynamic DNS, ask your ISP to provide a static public IP.
> > Another solution is the DIY way: configure your router, create a
> > static domain name at a dynamic DNS provider and activate
> > FreedomBox Dynamic DNS application. Feel free to use #freedombox
> > IRC cana and the mailing listl for 24/24 help. If you are not
> > familiar with internet network, please browse and read about domain
> > names, local area networks, Domain Name System (DNS) and dynamic
> > DNS."
> >
> > /plinth/apps/dynamicdns/ add an extra section called "How To" after
> > About/SetUp/Status ?
> >
> > How to configure your router in case of dynamic DNS : 01 - Find out
> > the mac address and current local IP of your device running
> > FreedomBox. 02 - Open your router admistration web interface. 03 -
> > Set Up an exception for your device as a static local IP. 04 -
> > Create a port forwarding for 80 (http server) and 443 (https
> > secure server) ports to your FreedomBox IP (made static). 04 -
> > Leave the router interface, your public IP should now provide a
> > direct access to your FreedomBox (use http://myip.datasystems24.de
> > to find out your public IP).
> >
> > How to create a DNS name with GnuDIP 01 - Access to GnuIP login
> > page (answer Yes to all pop ups) 02 - Click on "Self Register" 03 -
> > Fill the registration form (Username and domain will form the
> > public IP address [username.domain]) 04 - Take note of the
> > username/hostname and password that will be used on the FreedomBox
> > app. 05 - Save and return to the GnuDIP login page to verify your
> > username, domain and password (enter the datas, click login). 06 -
> > Login output should display your new domain name along with your
> > current public IP address (this is a unique address provided by
> > your router for all your local devices). 07 - Leave the GnuDIP
> > interface and open the Dynamic DNS Client app page in your
> > FreedomBox. 08 - Click on "Set Up" in the top menu. 09 - Activate
> > Dynamic DNS 10 - Choose GnuDIP service. 11 - Add server address
> > (gnudip.datasystems24.net) 13 - Add your fresh domain name
> > (username.domain, ie [username].freedombox.rocks) 14 - Add your
> > fresh username (the one used in your new IP address) and password
> > 15 - Add your GnuDIP password 16 - Fill the option with
> > http://myip.datasystems24.de (try this url in your browser, you
> > will figure out immediatly)
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________ Freedombox-discuss
> > mailing list Freedombox-discuss@lists.alioth.debian.org
> > http://lists.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/freedombox-dis
> cuss
> >
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> =OeR+
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