Thank you Dietmar, Sunil and James, very usefull, here is one more:

"I use FreedomBox since the end of 2015 as a journalist and content editor. I 
can't spend that much time learning to run a server. With the help of the 
active community on IRC and the mailing list, i can now administrate my own web 
applications to synchronise files between my devices and to propose when needed 
a chat server for interviews without being datamined. In a nutshell, it am able 
to shape some versatile degrees of privacy and confidentiality in my personal 
and professional life. I am contributing to the manual and the wiki content 
both to learn faster and to give back. I am now in position to use free 
communications services without giving away my data and my connexions all the 
time. Finally, with Quassel server, i can turn off my computer without missing 
any IRC discussions."


PS 1: all new and updated cases are now on the wiki

PS 2: FreedomBox introduction at Madrid was interesting in terms of contacts 
even if the conference was focusing mainly on collaborative platforms for 
citizens expressing needs. Privacy and data ownership issues were clearly not 
the concerns of most people at that time. The main question i faced was: ok but 
what kind of users are you aiming at with FreedomBox? :) Update during the next 
progress call. 

> Le 24 mai 2016 à 19:13, Dietmar <> a écrit :
>     Am Montag, den 23.05.2016, 22:37 -0400 schrieb James Valleroy:
>         > > On 05/23/2016 02:09 PM, Dietmar wrote:
> > 
> >             > > > There also used to be owncloud to store bigger files for 
> > the home page and also as public library and to share files and pictures 
> > with friends. With the last update of PHP this does not work anymore, so I 
> > am back at using the service from my internet provider, the German Telecom.
> > > 
> > >         > >         For sharing files publicly, I found apache's userdir 
> > > module to be quite simple to use. Users with ssh access to the box can 
> > > put files in their home folder under ~/public_html using scp or SFTP, and 
> > > those files are accessible at /~username on the web server.
> > 
> >         Would this be a good feature to have enabled in FreedomBox by 
> > default?
> > 
> >     >     I never tried it but it might be an intermediate solution until 
> > we have a proper owncloud replacement.
>     - Dietmar
>         > >         --
> >         James
> > 
> >         _______________________________________________
> >         Freedombox-discuss mailing list
> > 
> >
> >         
> >
> > 
> >     > 


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