
>   DOS                - all exe/com/sys files
>  DOS\APPINFO        - lsm files
>   DOS\DOC\project    - documentation for 'project'
>   DOS\HELP           - all help files
>   DOS\NLS            - national language support files
>   DOS\SOURCE\project - source code for 'project'

Sounds okay BUT I would not start and change all zip files!
You can simply do "move bin\*.* ." and then "rmdir bin" after
unzipping. And the current installer asks you how the FreeDOS
directory should be called. I think c:\fdos\ is a good default.
O myself use c:\freeods\, and others might prefer c:\dos\,
especially if they use FreeDOS as the only DOS on their computer.

So it is a text entry field and the user has the choice. Before
starting to discuss about what default / suggested value should
be in that field, I would like to remind Bernd to use a "skin"
for the GUI installer which does not clone Windows next time :-).

PS: The MetaKern on the boot CD-ROM is incomplete, it seems. There
are only minimal binaries, but no source and no documentation except
the "how do I dual-boot" text file from Bernd. So I would appreciate
it if a ZIP with the rest of the fun could be added to the
data part of the CD-ROM (and do not forget (cr-)unzip,exe...
hardly any extra work to use the "cr" version and it can open
more files...).


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