At 08:30 PM 3/17/2004 +0000, Bart Oldeman wrote:
>> Latest test version of EMM386 is at
>> in the files EMM386.ZIP and
>> EMMSRC.ZIP, as executable and source.
>> These version corrects a problem with memory corruption in UMB's using
>> VCPI, particularly notable with MCB panic errors.  Non-DOS upper memory
>> management is improved.  This version should be compatible with a
>> greater range of DOS-extended software.
>yes, indeed. The MCB problems have disappeared now. Also with NOEMS
>I now get UMBs. So that's quite an improvement.
>Duke Nukem 3D reboots the machine as soon as it enters graphics mode. Its
>setup program (which also uses dos4gw 1.97) works correctly though. DOOM
>on the other hand works. Will try to run with Causeway and DOS32A later.

I downloaded Duke Nukem 3D, but turns out it's larger than a floppy, which is the only 
way I can transfer to the DOS machine.  For unknown reasons, although FreeDOS 
installed everything okay to my machine from CD, the FreeDOS CD driver itself will 
only read small files of a few K from a burned CD, larger files corrupt the data 
during COPY and are useless.  Unless that's been fixed in last FreeDOS beta release or 
SHSUCDX has been updated from 2.1 to fix the problem, I'm dead in the water on 
transferring large files via CD.

I suppose I could break up the ZIP to floppy sized units, but I'm not real thrilled 
about trying it.  I'd very much rather get the CD problem fixed.  Used to think I'd 
look into whether there was a programming problem in the process after EMM386's VCPI 
settled down as my last FreeDOS development interest.

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