
BO> Who can sue Tom for changing the license? The copyright holders.
There aren't any.
contributing to a project doesn't mean you get a copyright.

BO> Will they
BO> sue Tom? They'll have a tough time in court (because the contributions
BO> are minor and close to fair use)
only 'close' to fair use ?

BO> Why should I sue Tom? He seems to be a nice guy...

BO> I just chose to avoid the grey area by not using it. Distribute
BO> uncompressed executables, let the end user decide which exepacker is
BO> best for him.
IMO that's a very bad decision - close to 'distribute source only'

IMO providing precompiled binaries (and that includes compression)

in the kernel, that becomes even much worse, as you can't just exepack
the kernel.

to do that, you would have to download watcom, setup,... just to
exepack the kernel; hardly something for joe average.

BO> It's what Steffen does with freecom and I do with
BO> freecoma and sys in the kernel zip. Or use UPX (UPX-UCL if you're really
BO> paranoid -- I'm getting really tired of the NRV ranting, remember that
BO> NDAs are really nothing special, it just matters *what* they state, I
BO> even had to sign one for a pretty basic summer job 10 years ago, so I'll
BO> probably just use UPX-UCL for the next kernel version to avoid all
BO> issues).

Well - when I made UPX compressed kernel possible, I certainly did not
intend that it be used with a second grade exepacker.

BO> Distribute
BO> uncompressed executables, let the end user decide which exepacker is
BO> best for him.

Even if that would be a sensible option ( which I doubt), this ignores
the case where people (like me) distribute a prepackaged bootable
floppy (rom image,CD,...), where exepacking it on enduser site is
simply not possible.

and that's the point where it hurts: that I can't exepack KERNEL.SYS
and FREECOM.COM with aPack to save some Kbyte (200 byte in mkeyb
aren't important)


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