
18-Мар-2004 17:55 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Luchezar Georgiev) wrote to

LG> was a sarcasm! Why? Because we care more about the letter and not the
LG> spirit of the GPL.
LG> What is the goal of the GPL? Providing freedom and ensuring that nobody
LG> can deprive anybody from it. Do we provide freedom? Sure, by including

     Yes, this what I wish to say in my letter to Jim, but later I remove
this part, because (1) not enough English experience and (2) because in
court often more importnat letter, not spirit.

LG> Let's stop the paranoia. We're NOT criminals! And whoever accuses us so,
LG> let him prove that... you know where!

     I agreed: even if someone makes _real_ complain ("why you use my
proprietary compression program?"), then we may find workaround or we may
drop exepacking at all (especially because _this is not essential part of
program). Before this, I suggest, we may pack executables freely.

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