Hi and merry xmas to everybody :-)

I have been trying to understand the installer batch
files, but they turned out to be too complex... What
I did find out is that there are many variables:

Autoexec: DEBUG NLSPATH dircmd lang config PATH cputype
... plus runs GETARGS > temp bat and then calls that.

Others: CD DIRECTORY OS destdrv autofile cfgfile GUI_inst kernel
cddrv destdsk choice cdrom color instparm rd currdir isofile dest
locmsg dosdir xms msg mkisoexe BASEDIR temp fdosroot lang usemse
header INSTDAT INSTMAX INSTMIN instmode kblayout keybrest menu2_nr
menu1_nr params2 path os CFGFILE FC display frmterr hello basedir
keybfile line1 oldnls AUTOFILE TEXTMENU loadcd oldlang opt DISTRO
KEY VM oemcmd pqbackup pqpart initrd cputype fdosdir nlspath key

Generic: %%x %%X %%D %1 %2 ... PATH errorlevel _CWD comspec
path config dircmd NLSPATH ... those all have special meanings.

First suggestion: Reduce the number of used variables a lot, and
use consistent upper / lower case for easier reading. I think it
would be nice to always use UPPER CASE for variable names. Some
variables seem to be unused, while in other cases there are a
number of variables which all hold the same value.

Examples of removable variables: autofile cfgfile (use fixed
fdconfig, fdauto on %destdsk%) GUI_inst (always use textinst)
kernel (always use fat32 386+ kernel) color (always use color)
cputype (always use 386) mkisoexe (just put exe in same dir as
the makeiso batch file) usemse (used as pbatch option but is
never set? seems to be for enabling the mouse?) ... There are
several variables for "cdrom drive", "destination drive" and
"ramdisk drive", but it would be easier to use fixed letters.

DISTRO / VM is used but never set, and there is no XOSL - all
probably old "forgotten to remove" hooks from beta8 or beta9.
The hooks for drive img / part magic / oem should be removed:
oemcmd, pqbackup, pqpart variables are leftovers of those.
Note that support for pre-386 / mono can be given on diskette
distros if wanted. You cannot boot from CD on pre-386 anyway.
By the way, what actually creates the postinst / config...?

Next part: Who calls whom during install? First, you have the
fdconfig and fdauto files on the diskette image. Because the
image only contains 240k of data, it would be very nice to
have a zip with a copy of the files in the isolinux directory,
to make it easy for users to access them (actually there is
a tool called "extract" on the CD to read from the gzipped
diskette image but UNZIP is easier to figure out ;-)). This
diskimage contains himem, emm386, cdrom drivers, caches and
devload. There is a basic freedos system and a few helpers:
getargs, xmssize, iniadd, oscheck, append, localize, choice
and sys. Those should also be in the "odin" directory on the
CDROM, so people can use the cdrom after booting from ANY
dos diskette, not only after booting a 1.0 installer disk.

The autoexec / fdauto sets: DEBUG (unused!?) NLSPATH dircmd
(no problem) lang (always EN) config PATH and cputype (to
80286 or 80386). Initial PATH is "freedos" and "driver" on
A: and the ODIN directory on X: ... This step also takes
care to read ISOLINUX options with GETARGS and makes sure
that the CDROM (or ISO) is mounted on drive letter X: ...
Then it loads ctmouse (mouse driver) and runs setup :-).

So... If you put copies of the boot disk image contents in
an easy to access zip and write a short readme like "you
have to make the CD contents available on X:, set PATH and
NLSPATH and then run SETUP", it will be easier to run the
SETUP from an existing previous DOS version. As long as the
tools like LOCALIZE and OSCHECK are added to the ODIN dir
on the cdrom, of course. I think config / lang / cputype as
set by the boot diskimage should not be required by SETUP.

Next step is SETUP: It loads shsurdrv (ramdisk) and checks
if the ODIN dir is there and SET /E work. The cddrv variable
is set to the current drive, so I guess there is no need to
always use X: with this version of setup. The nlspath, path
and lang are updated and fdosroot is set... A language menu
with 10 choices is shown: EN DE FR PL NL IT SV PT ES RU.
The 11th choice is "other", showing a much bigger menu...
The choice is then passed to the REGIONAL batch. This can
load a font and a keyboard layout. It does not add those
settings to the target config, though.

Next, a list of drives is generated. If more than one dest
drive candidate exists, the user is asked to pick one. Now
setup tries to CDD to that drive, and shows a FDISK menu
if that fails. Options here: Xfdisk, abort, warmboot, and
make bootdisk... Note that there is a separate BOOTDISK
batch file which can do multi-system boot disks which is
probably a bit overkill. The "get drives" thing is in a
separate batch file, why that?

Now the target drive is checked by making a test directory
and by running oscheck (why not other way round?). Depending
on the result, the metakern boot menu is installed, the user
is asked whether he wants to run format /q, sys is run. The
latter depends on the freedos boot diskimage, it would be
better to explicitly use a kernel / shell from ODIN the dir.
Finally the ramdisk is removed.

Third step is AUTORUN: This contains two main menus, which
both consist of several files including a batch file each.
I think this should be simplified a lot, for example with
inlined localize or pbatch calls, the former being the
preferred option as this allows to inline English default
messages. This would be useful for both -reading- the bat
and for -using- it if you forget to set NLSPATH. Because
if you forget that, all non-inlined messages vanish and
you are expected to answer questions without seeing what
the question is. For some reason, there is also code to
set color to Mono or Color depending on cpu type if the
key or lang variables are not set...??

Menu 1 items are: "install" (leads to menu 2), "bootdisk"
(duplicates code discussed in SETUP), "quit", "readme",
"reboot", "xfdisk", "spfdisk", "fdisk", "format".  If you
ask me, setup and autorun should be merged into one file
to avoid duplicating the language selection (see below)
and bootdisk and fdisk menu areas.

Menu 2 items are: "quit", "keyboard" (language selection,
duplicates code from SETUP), "install" (runs TEXTMENU and
POSTINST), "return to English", "screen" (color or mono, a
superfluous menu item imho), "mode". The latter is a non-
intuitive name for a sub menu, choices: full, mini, maxi?

TEXTMENU choices depend on whether games (non-base) and/
or sources (of games or of base) are available. I think
there should NOT be a pre-made choice "install all the
sources". No Linux distro would include such a choice.

For some reason, TEXTMENU also seems to iniadd DOS to
WinNT/WinXP boot.ini - which would only work if those
are installed on FAT drives. Also does metakern again??

Users can always use the package mgr to install sources
of single packages at any time. Installing all sources
of fdfullws might consume 100s of megabytes. Remember
that this includes "source of openwatcom" etc ;-). I do
think that there should be a choice "install everything
which can be installed without INTERNET connection":

Many people got stuck during install because the WGET
which tried to download additional files got stuck at
some point sooner or later :-(.

Before POSTINST is run, the TEXTMENU calls TEXTINST
which is the tool which actually unzips everything
and which asks you which packages to install, based
on default sets selected by textmenu. Problem with
TEXTINST is that it flickers a lot. By using a black
background and by NOT using shadow effects, the tool
can be made simpler, flicker can be eliminated and
the mono / color decision can be removed :-).

I guess something also creates the target config
and autoexec, but I cannot find this. But I know
that it needs some repairs: The trailing space
after the LANG setting in (fd)config, the missing
4?ECHO no drivers in (fd)config, the missing load
disk cache line, the complexity of fdauto. For the
latter, I recommend to add at some point:
if "%config%"=="4" goto nodrivers (...)
... instead of having many if-config lines.

I myself load fdapm apmdos for all other choices,
as shsucdhd (mount ISO file as virtual CDROM) and
my fm801 drivers. I made loading DISPLAY, SHARE and
DOSLFN conditional as those use a lot of RAM. Note
that you should NOT use LH with MODE (yet another
small flaw in 1.0) or MOUSE. The latter because
CTMOUSE LHs itself anyway. For the CTMOUSE 2.1b3
driver, please use the /O /Y options to suppress
wheel (QEMU bug) and Mouse Systems / Genius mouse
mode (can get triggered by non-mouse devices).

The path can be shortened - faster DOS - by using
wrappers for emacs, setedit, vim, fbc, dog and the
pacific c compiler. The latter 2 have several exes
so it is probably okay to keep them in PATH. Other
variables set in autoexec: dosdir, PATH, NLSPATH,
and VIM. The LANG and dircmd variables are already
set in (fd)config sys.

This summary hopefully helps some people to understand
more about the FreeDOS 1.0 installer and helps others
to make the FreeDOS 1.1 installer a lot simpler (!).

Have a nice day :-) Eric

PS: See fd-doc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?n=FdDocEn.FdInstall
for other known problems in FreeDOS 1.0 / install ...

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