> Hi,

> > It would help if you tell us what is your interest in DOS and/or what
> > you are using it most for. (recovery, backup, hardware testing,
> > benchmark, web browsing, gaming, music player, server or whatever)
My main interest is programming and a challenge. Occasionally play some old
that I miss. Bards Tale etc.


I think a port would be a good start given my skill set. I am good at
debugging etc,
and for me looking at existing code is a faster way to start than writing
from scratch.
Debugging an existing app that has issues is ok too.

I considering porting a svn command line tool

Some other projects I have thought about are
Interested in the Kernel and Assembly programming.

Basically anything that is new and different, in windows at work I feel like
I have been programming the same thing for years.
Different companies, but write a database build the data access and
manipulation, throw some buttons and textboxs
on a form, write a report. Rinse and repeat for a new client.
I want to create that button that I put on the form that I created not
borrowed from a the dot net library.  etc.
I want to know exactly what happens when I do xcopy. reading the hard drive

Plus I see alot of download this program from here to do that. take the
networking for example.

See I am way ahead of myself. I have lots of experience programing and
working on teams. What I don't have is
dos programming or assembly. I have no clue about what I don't know, am not
even sure what to ask where to look.

So I am quite content to sit back, take the druggy tasks and do whatever I
am told. I'll get to the kewl stuff when I learn
what I am doing.

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