On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 06:47:28 +0200 (CEST), you wrote:


>> UIDE works with SATA.
>Realy? I am not sure about it.

Of course, with read cache to improve efficiency.
It's working under SATA long time ago, but only BIOS in "Native IDE
mode", not AHCI.

>But definitely you should try GCDROM 

Do you know Jack and me already ask GCDROM's author Mark Tsai to
provide the source code? It have no source code at initial release.

Jack found that the GCDROM can be better and smaller, so he rewrite
everything base on his own code base and become UIDE.

>or driver AHCI.SYS downlodable Hewlett Packard site:
>(extract archive and use the AHCI.SYS file - it is a DOS CD-rom driver)

Any advantage using AHCI?


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