Hi all!

Pat had emailed me before sending his note to the mailing list, asking
me if I'd be willing to step back into the FreeDOS Project for him. I
said yes, but wanted to wait for Pat & I to chat before I sent a note
here to announce my return. But Pat may be away from email right now.
I only resubscribed to the FreeDOS lists on Monday, so didn't see that
Pat sent a call for a new project coordinator on Sunday.

Anyway, let me take this moment to say "I'm back". :-)

A quick summary for those curious about my whereabouts since doing the
handoff to Pat in 2009:

I had planned to enter grad school, for a Master's degree in
Management of Technology ("MS-MOT"). But a few months after passing
the coordinator role to Pat, and right before entering the MOT
program, I had an opportunity to apply for an outstanding job. I had
to decide: pay the non-refundable tuition, and ignore the fabulous
opportunity - or miss the tuition deadline to apply for the new

I went for the job. While I didn't get that job, those events led me
to an even *better* position as campus IT Director / CIO at the
University of Minnesota Morris, where I am now.

I never *totally* disappeared from FreeDOS, anyway. If you're on the
'freedos-svn' email list, you may have noticed I did some work on an
updated FreeDOS Installer. And of course, I've been updating the web


On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Walt Nagel <wr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Pat,
> I would like to consider the project, but am not sure what it entails. Could 
> you give us a little idea of what the coordinator is expected to accomplish?
> Thanks for your efforts. I pray your health issues are resolved quickly.
> Walt
> --- On Sun, 4/17/11, Pat Villani <p...@freedos.org> wrote:
> From: Pat Villani <p...@freedos.org>
> Subject: [Freedos-devel] Need help with project coordinator role
> To: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net, freedos-ker...@lists.sourceforge.net
> Date: Sunday, April 17, 2011, 7:18 AM
> Folks,
> I have a medical issue that I now need to tend to which will take up all my 
> time.  As a result, I feel that I can no longer devote any free time, as 
> little as it may have been, to the project.  I am now looking for a volunteer 
> to take over, at least temporarily.
> Please send me private email if you would like to take over the role.
> Pat Villani
> Project Coordinator

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