Op 7-7-2011 1:32, Michael B. Brutman schreef:

> mTCP FTP compares poorly to the native stack and FireFox there, but FTP
> is working in a very limited environment:
>   * The TCP/IP socket receive buffer is tiny compared to the native
>     network stack
>   * You are doing filesystem writes 8KB at a time
>   * You have a small virtualization penalty
>   * The packet interface wasn't designed for high performance; every
>     incoming packet requires a hardware interrupt and two software
>     interrupts

I'm happy with whatever I can get. My real hardware has an Nvidia 
chipset network driver for which no packet drivers exist, so sticking to 
virtual machines. I wonder if any PCI (or even PCI-express or onboard) 
network cards still support packet drivers.

8KB filesystem writes? odd. So it's:
1) download/transfer 8KB (8KB transfer buffer)
2) halt download, dump transfer buffer to disk and clear it
3) continue downloading.

Easier at least compared to having a 8KB transfer buffer plus a 'huge' 
receive buffer (nearly size of all of machine's conventional memory, a 
multiple of 8KB?) followed by only clearing the buffer if it's full or a 
file has been downloaded completely (whichever comes first). Your single 
buffer might be more efficient compared to transfer buffer plus receive 

Or perhaps I should stay silent hehe, failed miserably while learning 
about OSI layers and TCP/IP.

> But for older machines, it is more than adequate. I'll try a few tests
> here - I also test under VMware, VirtualBox, and DOSBox but I never
> thought to compare the performance to the native TCP/IP stack.

It's more than adequate indeed, I'm not complaining hehe. Only wanted to 
start out by eliminating slow servers as potential bottleneck. The 
listed ftp://ftp.xs4all.nl/pub/test/10mb.bin should be same for everyone 
as it's intended by that ISP for speedtest purposes.

> Did you set the MTU size to 1500 in the configuration file? If you did
> not, that will dramatically improve the speed.

Yep, did so.

> That funny URI syntax was grafted on. What exact URI are you using? Are
> you adding "ftp://"; or just "//" ?

FreeCOM (maybe also MSDOS command.com or 4DOS) seem to split arguments 
at the "/" level. See the "FOR LOOP" in my batchfile, with batchfile 
called as: ftp.exe ftp://ftp.xs4all.nl/pub/test/10mb.bin

resulting in:
ftp.exe //ftp.xs4all.nl
(on which it chokes, not knowing how to handle //).

Basicly there are 2 options:
1) find a way to strip the prepending "//" before feeding to FTP
2) allow FTP to accept them and strip it themselves, requiring code changes.

>> Bug: DHCP.EXE doesn't start on newline, ruining IPADDRESS parameter
>> (my MTCP.CFG has PACKETINT 0x60 but lacked CR/LF somehow).
> Can you explain this in more detail? If you were missing a proper CR/LF
> at the end of a line then the C runtime would not have recognized the
> start of the next line, and that line would be effectively lost. This
> happens if you use an editor that doesn't use the CR/LF convention. (I
> often make this mistake when using VI under Cygwin.)

Using mostly NOTEPAD in Windows, or ECHO bla > output.txt in DOS.
DHCP writes everything on newlines (as expected) except the first line 
it writes (ip address). I don't know if there's any solution except 
maybe writing a space, then start on newline. Best case you get an empty 
line in between, worst case no empty line but still working.

> I could recognize both CR/LF and LF in the parsing code to improve
> things when you are in a mixed environment. But all of the code that
> reads the configuration file would have to change too, not just DHCP.
> That really has the flavor of a user error.

Yeah easier to have a batchfile do ECHO PACKETINT 0x60 > %mtcpcfg%

> For the first request I think that I have to look for either "ftp://"; or
> just "//" to be correct. The second request might be considered a user
> error. And for the third I will definitely put that on the todo list;
> the error messages already indicate if the packet driver is not loaded
> but I can set errorlevel too.

I don't mind if it's // or ftp.exe you look for, all it results in is me 
having to do either:
* "FTP %1%2 < input.txt" (in case of checking for ftp://)
* "FTP %2 < input.txt" (in case of checking for //)

For DHCP I can imagine various errorlevels for different reasons:
* missing MTCPCFG variable
* MTCPCFG variable points to non-existing file
* missing PACKETINT keyword in file
* unable to write to MTCPCFG file (yay hidden/readonly)
* packetdriver not loaded yet
* static config found in MTCPCFG file
* time out (no DHCP server found)
* what else? invalid MTU size?


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