Q:what opttions were used to get DOSLFN to work with what version of FREEDOS?
Q:were there any other required drivers to be im place? 
Q:what did config.sys and autoexec.bat look like?

Jim Michaels

> From: Rugxulo
>To: freedos-devel@lists.sourceforge.net 
>Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 3:39 PM
>Subject: Re: [Freedos-devel] BtrFS filesystem in FreeDOS
>On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Ralf A. Quint <free...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> At 03:22 PM 7/18/2012, sergei karhof wrote:
>>>It's strange, because the LEAN filesystem was designed to work on
>>>FreeDOS-32, which is a DOS too, judging by the name. Can someone
>>>explain the incongruence. BTW, is FreeDOS-32 dead or what?
>> IMHO, it was dead right from the start, as those folks that started
>> it didn't have a clue on what they would get them self into.
>> You can simply not create a 32bit OS that is still compatible with
>> DOS, you will end up writing a complete new (and different OS)...
>A few years ago, one of the main developers left (for various reasons,
>e.g. preference for different licensing). So the few others haven't
>really done much since (except for a sporadic LEANfs add-on
>documentation or whatever-the-heck it is).
>>>What I was would be willing to settle for, eventually, is ANY
>>>filesystem with extended attributes that can be used from within
>>>(Free)DOS. But from what you have told me the prospects do not seem
>>>very bright right now... :(
>> The DOS file system is FAT(16/32). DOS is based upon this, even long
>> file names on FAT32 are a crutch shoe horned into it to still be
>> partially compatible.
>DOSLFN still works pretty well, so we can't complain too hard.
>(Patents expiring in 2017 ftw!!!)
>> Considering that there are no DOS application that can handle things
>> like "Extended Attributes", what is the purpose of trying to use it with DOS?
>> IMHO people should use DOS the way it was designed (and working for
>> decades) instead of continuously trying to turn it into the second
>> coming of Linux or the like...
>Still, I don't think it's a horrible idea to add another file system,
>but outside of paying someone (e.g. Ben Lunt, assuming he'd even have
>time or interest), I don't see how it can be done.
>Even userland things like Odi's LFN Tools and LTOOLS don't work for
>me. So I dunno. And yes, at one time I thought HPFS would be cool to
>somehow enable for FreeDOS (esp. since OS/2 used it).
>Or maybe some of us (??) should focus on a DOSEMU-only ttyLinux
>distro. At least that would have some built-in support for other file
>systems, if you really needed reliability or speed or whatever. (But
>it feels like a lot of work, blech.)
>Alas, there's always more to do.   :-P
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