
On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Mercury Thirteen
<mercury0x0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No problem! Yeah, PowerBASIC was a great product which produced some of the
> fastest apps around.

"Fast" is subjective (unless you mean compile-time speed, which I'm
assuming here). There are too many diverse x86 machines (with
different speeds) to call anything universally fast anymore.

> It was a pretty phenomenal compiler, but as you point
> out, nobody wants to have to buy a compiler anymore.

Au contraire. In reality, most compilers are proprietary (and very
very expensive). So GCC and Clang and such are actually the rare
exception rather than the rule.

Also, there are hundreds of programming languages (and cpus and OSes),
and apparently no one group targets very many (anymore? did they
ever?). It's quite disappointing how few compilers themselves are
actually portable.


> Plus now with the likes
> of GCC, Open Watcom, FreeBASIC, et al., you really no longer have to
> purchase a commercial product to get awesome optimized code output.

Again, "optimized" is subjective. There's too many x86 machines (let
alone others) to call anything absolutely optimal anymore.

GCC has had tons of work put into it over the years and had many
releases, so yes, it's fairly good at a (semi-)wide selection of
processors, depending on version.

OpenWatcom is of course much less popular than GCC for its own
development and thus weaker but is still also relatively good. Too bad
most people ignore it. (I still haven't tried the unofficial 2.0-pre

FreeBASIC is not officially "optimizing" like the above but still
behaves loads better than a toy. It's quite robust, all things

Honestly, writing and maintaining a compiler is very hard work (not
that I would know personally). My favorite these days would probably
be FreePascal. Their work (esp. considering the low amount of
volunteers) is very impressive.

> My apologies also for drifting off course!
> [/OffTopicSideDiscussion]
> lol

Well, this is freedos-devel , so I don't know where (or what) would be
more on-topic. Perhaps more actual development (and sharing code)
since some rare person here may frown upon abstract discussion on
compilers and such in general.

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