On 1/2/2015 2:28 PM, Mercury Thirteen wrote:
> It wouldn't be only the speed increase, but the fact that we'd be 
> modernizing FreeDOS as a whole.
> I think of it this way: What would Microsoft have done had they not 
> gone exclusively to Windows? I am doubtless they would've migrated 
> MS-DOS to a 32-bit platform years ago. If we were to do such a move, 
> we would not only make the OS as fast as possible, but also open up 
> roads to modern development tools and allow the running of apps made 
> by a whole host of compilers - because not that many (in comparison) 
> support a 16-bit target. We would make FreeDOS more attractive to 
> programmers because their compiler would already have the means of 
> generating appropriate code, they would have no 640 KB (or 1 MB or 1.5 
> MB...) RAM ceiling to contend with and they wouldn't have to worry 
> about switching back and forth between protected mode and real mode to 
> run their programs.
Sorry but I think you need to get real here. 32bit over 16bit brings 
pretty much no speed advantage at all for a DOS program. Today's CPUs 
are a factor of 60 faster then even the fastest 486 CPU at the end of 
the "DOS era". And have more cache RAM than a system back then had even 
as total RAM. And that is magnitudes faster today then it was back then. 
A real 16 bit DOS program is screamingly fast these days, you will not 
gain any serious advantage by running in 32bit. The amount of memory 
available is a slight improvement, but then most likely just resulting 
in the improvement of software bloat as well...
> The speed advantages which pure 32-bit would have over 16-bit + DPMI 
> would not only be from eliminating the delays from entering and 
> exiting protected mode and the associated memory copies, but also the 
> more subtle details like variable limit checking and the elimination 
> of the overhead incurred from having to work with the clumsy 
> segment:offset addressing method.
Do you even remotely have an idea on how many function calls (INT21h) 
within DOS this is required/expected? Not to mention things like video 
both for INT10h or direct write access?
> I have no tasks which I do right now which demand more speed, but my 
> line of thought is that - if we're trying to take DOS where Microsoft 
> didn't - then going the 32-bit route would be the way to go.
Sorry, but that way is just a "road to nowhere". As you would loose the 
"100% application compatibility" in a heartbeat...


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