
(I hate +1 mails on a mailing list that is read by 100's of
readers, but this mail deserves it)

> Bringing things back to reality:

> Options 1, 2, and 3 do not exist and are not likely to exist for a
> few years even after somebody actively starts working on them.

> Options 1 and 2 can not promise "100% compatibility with both DOS
> applications and the full range of PC hardware" when they are not
> even well defined.  Is it a single 32 bit kernel or is it multiple
> kernels running in VDMs?  I've seen so many things thrown around here so 
> loosely ...

> It is a little silly to keep talking about a 32 bit kernel on the
> roadmap when such an option does not exist.  To be considered for
> the roadmap it should exist in some form.  Right now it is not even
> well defined what a 32 bit kernel would be.  Not even a specification that we 
> can debate.

> Let's see some concrete results on a 32 bit kernel before talking about 
> putting it on any roadmap.

> BTW, the Kickstarter project doesn't even clearly define what a 32
> bit DOS is.  But at least its being honest and not promising 100%
> compatibility on anything.  It is claiming to be hard real-time,
> modular, based on a micro-kernel, multi-threaded, and portable
> enough to be able to target ARM and some other architectures. 
> That's a pretty bold set of buzzwords, but not a specification by any stretch 
> of the imagination.


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