Thanks for the package list pointers! :-)
> All release specific settings are in that > > Boot floppies are PKG_FDI.LST with files and directories > in CLEANUP.LST removed. > PKG_BASE is what is installed with BASE Base: The classic mix of FreeDOS apps which are similar to what you would get with a full MS DOS install etc. kernel, command, jemm, himemx, fdisk, format, xcopy, attrib, chkdsk, append, assign, choice, comp, cpidos, ctmouse, debug, defrag, deltree, deveload, diskcomp, diskcopy, display, dosfsck, edit, edlin, exe2bin, fc, fdapm, find, fdxms, fdxms286, help, keyb, keyb_lay, label, lbacache, mem, mirror, mkeyb, mode, more, move, nansi, nlsfunc, print, recover, replace, share, shsucdx, sort, swsubst, tree, undelete, unformat, graphics, welcome (?) and fdnpkg, v8power, fdimples, unzip, zip, udvd2, callver, cwsdpmi, shsufdrv. > PKG_FULL is what is installed with FULL Full is BASE + FDP as well as: grep, xgrep, nro (nroff?), head, du, sleep, tee, touch, which, tar, gzip, bz2, lzip, lzma, lzop, msedit (?), bootfix, pg, bmp2png, cdrcache, cpied :-) , daa2iso (?), dos32a, foxcalc, gnubc, less, localize, md5sum, part, srdisk, usbdos, slowdown, xfdisk, zerofill, xdel, doslfn, dosutil, doszip, dzemm (?), foxtype, lfndos, gnuchcp, password, pcisleep, raread, rawrite, setlock, spool, stamp, switchar, topspin (?), trch, xkeyb, shareext, wcd, fdshield. > PKG_TINY are the files in that fdlive.7z and are extracted to the base of the > RAM drive. This is: cwsdpmi, devload, fdapm, fdnpkg, shsucdx, udvd2, xcopy, v8power, fdimples, fc, mem, more, format, ctmouse, edit, raread and rawrite. > PKG_LIVE is packages made live on the LiveCDs This is: BASE + FDI and: grep, head, du, sleep, tee, touch, which, less, trch, md5sum, crc32, slowdown, doslfn, part, xfdisk, xdel, xkeyb, raread, rawrite, edict, fdtui, fdnet, wget, links, mtcp, wcd, aefdisk. So that is for the 24-or-more-MB RAMDISK? Sounds smaller? > PKG_EXTRA is all packages for release that are on big USB and the CDs Extra is: BASE + FDI + FULL + LIVE and even more, for optional installation. fdnet, meka (emulator?) , not paint2 (license issues) , 7zdec, arj, cabext, lpq1, p7zip, zoo, samcfg, romdsk, romos, syslnx (syslinux), bcc, bwbasic, cpp2ccmt (?) , djgpp with sub-packages bn/bs/db/fq/fx/gc/gp/mk/ob/rh/tx (?) main :-p Euphoria (?) , fasm, fbc, fbc_help, fpc, insignt, jwasm, lua, nasm, ow (openwatcom c) , perl, regina (rexx) , runtime, suppls (?) , upx, biew, blocek, doshexed, e3, elvis, fed, freemacs, mbedit, mined, ospedit, pico, setedit, tde, uhex, vim, mines emulator, nosefart emulator, simcoupe emulator, sneese emulator, vice (c64?) emulator, z26 emulator, zboy emulator, zsnes emulator. Bolitaire, boom, btitanic, eliza, empong, ewsnake, fmines, freedoom, frotz, gnuchess, hangman, ivan, kraptor, liquiwar, magnetic, mirmagic, nethack, nge_nibb, pakupaku, qtetris, snova, sudoku86, vertigo, vitetris, wing, ww1, zmiy... arachne browser, crynwr, curl, dillo browser, dwol, e1000pkt, e100pkt, ethtools, gopherus, htget, links browser, lynx browser, m2wat, mtcp, newsnuz, ntool, picosntp, picotcp, ping, rsync, ssh2dos, sshdos, vmsmount, vncview, wattcp, wget, adplay sound, bladeenc sound, cdp sound, dosmid sound, lame mp3 sound, mplayer sound, opencp cubic player sound, ansimat, b64 base64, bsum, cal, cdrom2ui, clamav (how old?) , clamdb, dialog, dn2, dog, fdisrc (?) , fdshell, finddisk, flashrom, gifsicle, gnufonts, gnused sed, hexcomp, hip, hiram, localcfg, lptdrv (?) , memteste, ntfs (?) , opengem :-) Ospimg (?) , ozonegui, pbox, pdtree, pgme, pngcrush, rcal, seal gui :-) Search, sqlite, terminal, testdisk, unrtf, uptimec, utf8tocp, wcd, wde, whichfat, wptail (?) , i16budoc (?) , i16butil, i16gcc, i16gcdoc, i16newli, i16src, etherdfs, edict, fdtui, aefdisk. Quite a lot! Including several GUI and plenty of GAMES and various emulators and other things I did not know :-) Not to forget several editors, programming languages, network tools, archivers, sound and media players! Which other highlights should I have highlighted? :-) Cheers, Eric _______________________________________________ Freedos-devel mailing list