>> Was there ever any "official" format for a shared runtime library under
>> MS-DOS? Windows has .DLL files, Linux has .KO files, and MS-DOS had...
>> what, exactly? In all my years DOSsing I've never heard of anything
>> official like this, so I'm pretty sure there was no such thing (unless
>> you count a TSR, but that's not really what I'm after) but I figured it
>> doesn't hurt to ask you folks, as you have more years under various
>> flavors of DOS than I.

> Another one, but docs (12 pages) are in German:
> <http://www.kiezsoft.de/article.php?id=12>

> One example for the ATARI Portfolio:
> <http://www.pofowiki.de/doku.php?id=software:vorstellung:spiele:sudokusolve>

the question was about  'any "official" format', like in a standard,
not if that can be done at all.

what you and others propose is https://xkcd.com/927/


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