On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 8:33 PM Paul Dufresne <dufres...@zoho.com> wrote:
> Yesterday, the first Linux I installed, to test outside of NixOS was Debian 
> 11 (same computer, I make different partitions under GPT, UEFI).
> I was surprised that Debian got rid of VirtualBox in Debian 10 (because they 
> don't like how the company handle CVE for older versions),
> and also got rid of dosemu... (version 1 I presume). Anyway, so I used as 
> suggested virt-manager, a Python script simulating a bit the GUI
> of VirtualBox. Under the hood, it use QEMU. I stopped, because I choose to 
> install, it partition the drive, it reboots, then it hang
> on the line: Booting from hard disk...

Yes, as you mentioned in your follow-up email, your virtual machine
was trying to boot from the hard drive after it was partitioned but
before it was formatted and SYS'ed. Your follow-up said you fixed this
by using "-boot d" (disc) to force QEMU to boot from the CDROM. You
could also have hit Esc during the BIOS menu to select the boot
device. But I don't know if this "virt-manager" activates the BIOS

> I had forcibly stopped the machine on Debian 11, and when rebooting Debian 11 
> itself, it took 2 or 3 mins to try to let qemu process die.

Yes, I had a similar problem when I used GNOME Boxes (another front
end to QEMU on GNOME) and tried to abort something. The QEMU process
would hang around for a while, and I'd have to "kill -9" the process.
That's one reason I stopped using GNOME Boxes and ran QEMU directly
from the command line. If I have to abort QEMU, I know it's stopped.

> BTW:
> 2021-06-13T01:27:09.703704Z qemu-system-x86_64: -usbdevice mouse: 
> '-usbdevice' is deprecated, please use '-device usb-...' instead
> WARNING: Image format was not specified for 
> '/home/paul/lib/freedos/freedos.img' and probing guessed raw.
>          Automatically detecting the format is dangerous for raw images, 
> write operations on block 0 will be restricted.
>          Specify the 'raw' format explicitly to remove the restrictions.
> 2021-06-13T01:27:09.723897Z qemu-system-x86_64: warning: '-soundhw pcspk' is 
> deprecated, please set a backend using '-machine pcspk-audiodev=<name>' 
> instead

These are safe warnings; I get these too. QEMU is always updating the
command line, and they are changing how to specify a USB mouse. Same
for how they are changing the PC speaker emulation.

The image format being probed "raw" is another warning that's been
there for a while. It's interesting because the QEMU documentation
says you can use "-hda" to specify an image file, but then they give
you this warning that you didn't specify the file is a raw image. But
it correctly guessed it's a raw image, so you can ignore this warning


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